Building the Zerotier SDK (libzt) Python bindings
The Zerotier SDK, a.k.a.
connects to a Zerotier network in userspace, without creating a virtual network interface. It provides bindings for quite a few languages, and I’m interested in the Python binding. -
NanoPi R4S: Compiling MongoDB and Installing Unifi for Debian LXC Container
To recap, my goal is to run OpenWRT on a NanoPi R4S, and also run Unifi Network Application inside an LXC container on the same hardware. I specifically do not want to run it dockerized, so that means I have to bring all my dependencies. Let’s start with MongoDB.
NanoPi R4S: installing OpenWRT, LXC and others
So, I got a NanoPi R4S. I want to run OpenWRT and Unifi Controller (oh, it got renamed to Unifi Network Application) on it. My plan is to install OpenWRT on it directly, and then run a LXC container with a full Linux distro to run Unifi.
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